About Me, Picture O' The Day

Stream of Consciousness Sunday: Juju Lucky Cat

I stopped by the Farmer’s Market yesterday morning and could not resist picking up a voo-doo card called JuJu Lucky Cat.  I am dedicating it to the feral cat that lives out back, White Socks, in that I would like her to be lucky somewhere else rather than in my yard.  *sigh*

I think because I have been suckered into feeding via Hubby that she will never leave, but I guess it will be alright.  I just need to get up the energy to catch her and have her fixed.  There’s no need to create new feral cats.  I guess that’s what JuJu Lucky Cat Card is all about.  Maybe I’ll be lucky enough that catching her will be easy, and I can take care of this problem.

I also was devastated that they didn’t have an anti-housework voo-doo, or more specifically, anti-laundry.  Or maybe what is needed is a Lucky Laundry Card?  You can either give it the evil eye to keep it away from you or get lucky and have someone else do it for you.  The stall owners were really pleased with my suggestion and seemed keen on making some.  I’m excited to see what it will look like next time I’m back at the market.  I’ll report back how it works once I have one.

In other news, I have signed up to run a 5K with my friend.  It’s a color run and we will be hit with tons of color as we go through the run.  Now, I only have to get some training under my belt so that I can handle the 5K.  I was doing pretty good at that, but slid backwards a bit when I got sick last weekend.  Then this weekend the Hubs got sick.  Why are guys such wimps when they’re sick?  I know you don’t feel good, but you’re not dying, darling.  🙂

Also, in a strange, but happy coincidence we went off to a restaurant this morning and while we were on the phone with the in-laws waiting for our table, we saw my father-in-law walk into the restaurant.  So weird.  But cool.  BTW, if you get a suspicious email that tells you that your bank account will be drawn for X number of dollars just ignore it, okay?  Since they didn’t, Hubs is going over there to clean up their computer, which we’re guessing has now been infested with a virus.  Also, it’s not a good idea to call or email the people back.  Then they know you’re alive AND have a bank account and will pester you more.

That’s all for now!

Card that says Juju Lucky Cat

This was my 5 minute Stream of Consciousness Sunday post. It’s five minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Here are the rules…

  • Set a timer and write for 5 minutes.
  • Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw.
  • Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
  • Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post.
  • Link up your post below.
  • Visit your fellow bloggers and show some love.


Manic Mutt-Days, NaBloPoMo 2012

Oh, where, oh, where…

Has that little dog gone?

5 special dogs in my lifetime:

Missy, Hoover, Heidi, Lady, Susie (all dogs that have gone to heaven)

She was my first pet and my first dog.  When I went with my Mom and Dad to get her, I knew right away she was the one.  She ran over to me like she knew she was going home with us.  The runt of the litter, but never shy.

She was funny and always knew exactly what you were saying to her.  She was the reason we had to spell things like “go” and “ride”.  I’ve never met a smarter dog.

She licked my face when I cried because my parents were fighting.  She sat with me on the couch curled up in my special blanket and kept me company when I was alone.  I used to draw pictures of her while she was sleeping.

She ran off when I was 12 not long after my parents got divorced.  Another blow at a horrible time.  I miss her still.

Love you, Missy.  Thanks for all the memories.

Mama’s Losin’ It

This post is linked up over at Mama Kat’s.  This week’s prompt?

List the names of five dogs from your lifetime.  Write about why one sparks a stronger memory to you than the others. (inspired by Writing Fix).

Go and give some love to the other writers.  Go Now.  You. No. Stay. Here.  You eat WHOLE buffet (that was also my dog Missy.  She would eat anything you gave her.  I mean, ANYTHING.).