About Me, The Family That...

10 Things About Papa

I have had quite a few great men in my life, but I wanted to share 10 things about my Papa.  Great at games, always ready with a smile, fun, dependable, and humble.

1. Hide and seek when you came home from work.

2. The doll house you built me.

3. Riding bikes with you and Nana around the neighborhood.

4. What’s your name?  Puddin’ tang.

5. Staying the weekend at your house.  And the whole summer.

6. Going to church together.  Signing us in.

7. Riding the tractor with you.

8. Being on stage when you were in the audience.

9. Your smile.

10. How much I knew you loved me.

I love you and I miss you still, Papa.

This post is linked up over at Monday Listicles.  The prompt?  Write about one of the men in your life.

About Me, The Family That...

Stream of Consciousness Sunday: What Really Matters

So, this is my Sunday Tuesday stream of consciousness post.  You’ll forgive me when you read what happened and know that I also spent most of Monday with Mom.  Sometimes when you are at your wits’ end the universe shows you what really matters –


Sunday, I was in a foul mood.  It started when my Mom called to get help with her computer problems.  She was talking to my husband and I kind of lost it.  I realized how much both of them frustrate me at times.  One tech head.  One helpless adult.  I started creating some chaos, which wasn’t cool as my husband was on the phone.  But, hey, whatever, I was irked.  I finally left the room and went into the bedroom where I started crying.  Not just any crying – huddled up on the floor hiding between the bed and the wall in the fetal position crying.  I wasn’t even sure why I was crying just that something was going on in my head and my world.  Maybe it’s because my Mom – who never really seemed to care – likes my husband better than she likes me sometimes.  Or maybe it’s because I can’t get him to say a word to me half the time, but he can talk with no problem to my Mom.

I had to go to a meeting for another short film I’m hoping to work on, so I decided to leave after I stopped crying.  I wanted to get out of the situation and not cause any more trouble or have the situation devolve.  I had the meeting for the movie then came back home feeling better, and I was glad that I had decided to ignore whatever crap was brewing in my head.

Later that night, we went to a concert with some friends.  On the way home, I got a call from my Sister that Mom was in the hospital.  She had felt like she couldn’t breath and had pain going up into her jaw on the left side – all signs that she may be having a heart attack.  I got through to her room – her cell phone had died – even though the nurse was a bit resistant to put through the call and found out she was admitted overnight.  The tests did rule out a heart attack, but something was going on.  We had talked to her again right before the concert about another tech issue.  My Sister told me it happened a little after that and Mom had instructed my Sister not to call me until after the concert.  Only my Mom would have an almost heart attack and not want to bother me in a concert.



This was my 5 minute Stream of Consciousness Sunday post. It’s five minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Here are the rules…

  • Set a timer and write for 5 minutes only.
  • Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw.
  • Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
  • Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post.
  • Link up your post at All Things Fadra.
Death and Taxes, Friends, The Family That...

Too Much Bad News

You all know the old saying.  When there’s bad news there’s a lot of bad news.

Oh.  That’s not the saying?

Well, it’s close, eh?

My friend’s Dad is in the hospital in intensive care again.  He’s been progressively improving since October when he had a spot that could have turned into an aneurism.  He was in rehab, but is now back in the hospital in bad shape.  I hate to see my friend so unhappy!  This is too much stress.  Stress not good.  Stress does NOT make anyone a happy camper.

Another acquaintance’s husband passed away last week.  While, I can’t say that I was ever on the best terms with her, and sometimes even wanted to strangle her for her weird passive-agressive nature, I worked with her for a number of years and know that she was really devoted to her husband.  It’s a blow that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.  Friend.  Enemy.  Or frenemy.

Last, but certainly not least, my husband’s cousin had a stroke.  I found this out while we were waiting for his Dad to go into surgery for his knee.  Only 26.  Just married.  Just graduated and started working as a nurse maybe a year ago.  Tragedy.  Shock and dismay.  A massive bleed.  Deep in her brain.  First thing I think?  It’s almost better that she doesn’t wake up.  I think this, but knowing that some people already see me as a cold-hearted witch try to refrain from saying it out loud.  I just know that I wouldn’t want to live out the rest of my days unable to move, talk or really do anything.

Quality. Of. Life.  That’s all I’m saying.

These and some other things are the reason I’m saying – enough is enough already.  No.  More.  Bad.  News.

Alright, universe?


and thank you

with whipped cream

and cherries on top